Group Disability Income Insurance

Group Disability Income Insurance  


At a Glance

A disabling Injury or Sickness can happen in the blink of an eye. If you have to stop working, chances are your income will stop too. But it doesn't have to if you help protect yourself with disability insurance.

Under the Disability Income Plan, you can receive a monthly benefit that you select. With this benefit you can keep up better with your living expenses until you get back to work.

Benefit Features:

  • Elect monthly benefits to help suit your needs and lifestyle
  • 24-hour protection - on or off the job - anywhere in the world
  • Spouse may also apply for coverage


Don't let a disability put an end to your income. Disability insurance can be a valuable part of everyone's portfolio.


Want More Information?

View the Forms section and download a no–obligation application and brochure containing detailed plan information including costs, exclusions, limitations and terms of coverage.

This plan may not be available in all states.

Tell Me More


Where available: This program may vary and is not available in all states.

Notes: All Actively-at-Work members and legal spouses under age 60, working a minimum of 25 hours per week and reside in the U.S., may apply for this coverage. Spouse cannot be legally separated from you.


At a Glance

Plan I

Plan II

Type of Insurance 

Disability Income Insurance 

Disability Income Insurance 

Group Policy Number



Insurance Companies:

Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company

Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company

Features and Benefits

Issue Ages 

Through age 59 

Through age 59 

Minimum Monthly Benefit  



Maximum Monthly Benefit 

Up to $4,000 subject to income ratios.  

Up to $6,000 subject to income ratios. 

Elimination Period 

60, 90 or 180 days

60, 90 or 180 days 

Benefit Period 

5 year Injury, 1 year Sickness 

To age 65  

Covered Loss 

Injury and Sickness 

Injury and Sickness 

Coverage Period 

On and off the job 

On and off the job 

Form Number 

Disability Form Series includes GBD-1000, GBD-1200, or state equivalent

Disability Form Series includes GBD-1000, GBD-1200, or state equivalent



The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s legal notice at


Important Notes


This website explains the general purpose of the insurance described, but in no way changes or affects the policy as actually issued. In the event of a discrepancy between this website and the policy, the terms of the policy apply. All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Policies underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company detail exclusions, limitations, reduction of benefits and terms under which the policies may be continued in full or discontinued. Complete details are in the Certificate of Insurance issued to each insured individual and the Master Policy issued to the Policyholder. This program may vary and may not be available to residents of all states.

Contact Us

We're here to help! Please contact us in whatever manner is most convenient for you.

4050 114th Street
Urbandale, Iowa 50322
 M-F 8:15a-5p CST
[email protected]
 Underwritten by:
Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company
One Hartford Plaza
Hartford, CT 06155


Answers about the program, including eligibility, options, customer service and more.

  • Why would I need disability insurance?

    One of your most valuable assets is your earning capacity. It's taken years of study and career advancement to achieve your position today. Yet a serious Injury or Sickness could jeopardize your livelihood. Even if you're young and healthy, a serious Injury or Sickness could put you out of work for months or even years.
  • Isn't Social Security designed to provide disability income?

    The amount of benefits received depends on your age, earnings before being disabled and eligibility of family members. Many working Americans don't want to rely on Social Security because its benefits fall short of meeting their actual needs.
  • Who can apply for this plan?

    All Actively-at-Work members and spouses under age 60, working a minimum of 25 hours per week and reside in the U.S., may apply for this coverage. Please note: If you are a domestic partner interested in applying for coverage, please contact the Insurance Administrator for a Domestic Partner Affidavit which must accompany your application.
  • When would benefits begin?

    The choice is yours . . . benefits can begin after 60 (Plan I & Plan II), 90 (Plan I & Plan II) or 180 (Plan I & Plan II) days of disability. Choose an Elimination Period that best suits your needs by comparing your current savings versus your expenses.
  • How much coverage would I need?

    No two families are alike. That’s why this plan helps give you the flexibility to choose a coverage amount that fits your lifestyle.

    You can select to receive anywhere from $400 to $4,000/$6,000 (depending on which plan) a month, subject to income ratios. Base your selection on your current income level and remember that you may have additional medical costs to cover. 

  • What benefits could I receive?

    Plan I pays after a 60, 90 or 180 day (your choice) Elimination Period, to a maximum of five years if you are Totally Disabled due to an Injury and to a maximum of one year if you are Totally Disabled due to a covered Sickness. Plan II pays up to age 65 if you are Totally Disabled due to an Injury or Sickness. Under Plan II, you have a choice of a 60, 90 or 180 day Elimination Period for benefits to begin. For Plan I: If Total Disability occurs at or after age 64, benefits are paid for a maximum of 1 year. For Plan II: If Total Disability occurs at or after age 63, benefits are paid to a maximum of 2 years.
  • How much will this coverage cost?

    Your premium is based on your age, the monthly disability benefit you request plus the Elimination Period (e.g., 60, 90 vs. 180 days) and benefit period (5 years vs. to age 65).
  • When is the coverage effective?

    Your coverage will become effective on the first day of the month immediately following the date your application is approved by the insurance company, provided you are Actively-at-Work and your initial premium payment has been received.
  • For how long can I continue this coverage?

    Coverage continues as long as: you remain an association member; you pay your premiums on time; you remain Actively-at-Work (except by reason of disability covered by this plan); the master policy is in effect; and you remain under 65 (Plan I) or under 70 (Plan II). The same goes for your spouse as long as they continue to meet eligibility requirements.

    Acceptance into this plan is subject to medical evidence of insurability as determined by The Hartford. Depending on your age, the amount of coverage you request, and your answers on the application, a medical examination, medical test(s), or other evidence of good health may be required. Any exam/tests requested by the company will be conducted at your convenience and at no expense to you.
  • Do I have to meet with an insurance agent?

    Issuance of this policy is handled over the Internet and the mail. You can review the materials in the privacy of your home and purchase your policy directly through the mail without meeting with an agent. You can, of course, talk to a Customer Service Specialist if you'd like by calling the toll-free number.
  • What if I have second thoughts after I apply?

    When you become insured, you will be sent a Certificate of insurance summarizing your benefits under the plan. If you are not completely satisfied with the terms of your Certificate of Insurance, you may return it, without claim, within 30 days. You will be sent a full refund-no-matter how many days your insurance has been in force.
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